What are you flavouring your food with?
- Written by Candice Meisels

In the middle of a pandemic, young food entrepreneur launches 3 more seasoning flavours in 850 Coles stores to provide a healthy and no nasty flavour option for Australians.
In the middle of a pandemic, young food entrepreneur launches 3 more seasoning flavours in 850 Coles stores to provide a healthy and no nasty flavour option for Australians.
She also partners with doctors and health professionals to educate consumers on what to look out for when it comes to what’s in their pantry!
Despite the challenges of COVID-19 lockdown, Food entrepreneur Jordyn Evans just made it in time to turn around a retail deal with 850 Coles stores and landed 3 seasoning flavours (Garlic and Herb, Spicy Mexican & All Purpose) in the herbs and spice aisle in the middle of a pandemic. 3 years ago Jordyn had a vision to shake things up in the spice aisle and challenge mass-market brands with a range of spice blends that were free from preservatives, vegetable oil, added sugars and high amounts of salt. Tired of multinational companies cutting corners and compromising on quality, Jordyn wanted to give customers a seasoning they could trust and feel confident using and that is how the brand Mingle was born. Whilst Jordyn is still bootstrapping the business and out to challenge the big guys, she attributes her success to her community ( 60,000 + followers ), genuine advocacy from health professionals, the power of word of mouth and creating a flavoursome brand that gets people excited to create the kitchen. Mingle’s seasonings make cooking easy, healthy and tasty all in one.
Genuine advocacy for the Mingle product has come from nutritionists, doctors and dietitians. Why? Because a lot of seasoning blends contain added sugar, high amounts of salt, vegetable oil and added preservatives. According to Mintel, concerns over ingredient transparency are driving the demand for condiments and seasonings with simpler ingredient lists.
Mingle has given Australians a healthy alternative without the nasties and this is why leading weight loss Doctor, Lucy Burns who owns Real Life Medicine chooses to flavour her food with Mingle Seasoning and advises her patients to do the same.
"As a lifestyle medicine physician I believe food is medicine. Our food can either either harm or heal us. Our society has moved away from real food and it is killing us. At Real Life Medicine, we are passionate about real food and the message that cooking can be quick, delicious and good for you. I recommend Mingle to all my patients. It’s revolutionised my cooking. My whole family love it and we add it to everything! It’s real food. It’s quick. It's delicious and it’s good for you." Dr Lucy Burns- MBBS FRACGP-Lifestyle Medicine Physician- Real Life Medicine
Busy Mum and naturopath, Sarah Mc Cready also is a genuine advocate for Mingle.
“As a Naturopath + busy mum of two...My kids diet and health is a high priority for me, but timewise, I am limited. Simple, healthy and easy is my go to. I just love Mingle seasoning, because I don't have to think about it. I know that if I chop some veggies, and use Mingle to season it, then I am serving my kid's something nutritious which they will actually eat! Mingling is simply a lifesaver for me when the evenings get a little crazy. “
Sarah Mc Cready @nourishing_little_bellies
“Building relationships with people that share similar values is why I do what I do. My mission goes far beyond just selling healthy seasonings, but I’m really passionate about people being more aware of what’s in their food and also reframing the way people look at cooking and not to be burdened by it. When Dr. Lucy Burns shares with me that her clients are sharing Mingle creations on their FB community page or I get an email from a Mum, saying “Thank you my Hubby now cooks once a week because of Mingle” that’s why I do what I do. “ Jordyn Evans says.
Rather than see cooking as a chore, Jordyn wants people to see cooking as an opportunity to create together, experiment, learn, nourish one another and connect with our family. Often it takes an extreme event (COVID-19 being one of them) to shake things up, change our behaviours and for us to realign with what’s important to us. L
Over the upcoming months, Jordyn looks to continue to keep people inspired with tasty creations and if you haven’t already, head down the Coles herbs and spice aisle and grab a Mingle Seasoning today to elevate your cooking.