The Bulletin


Scott Morrison welcomes changes to Covid rules in Victoria

  • Written by Scott Morrison

The Commonwealth Government welcomes the announcement by the Victorian Premier to ease restrictions from 11.59pm on Tuesday.

Victorians have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get to this point. We thank them for their patience and perseverance.

Today’s announcement is a reflection of the dedication and effort of Victorians - taking the next step to reopen Victorian society and the state’s economy.

After a long winter, there is light at the end of the tunnel for Victorians. 

As we said yesterday - Victorians have made great progress in reducing the rate of COVID-19 infections from the second wave outbreak in Victoria.

The new National Framework to reopen by Christmas is a clear and transparent, three step national plan which provides the Australian community and businesses with a way forward where Australians can live and work in a COVID Normal Australia, ensuring that we maintain strong health protections and minimise job losses and mental health impacts.

Under the new ‘National Framework’ released last week, Victoria is now moving towards Step 1 - an important step on the pathway to COVID Normal.

Australia has been a world leader in fighting the virus to save lives and to save livelihoods and with today’s announcement, we look forward to Victoria continuing to make progress on the path to reopening and joining the rest of the country at Steps 2 and 3 in the national plan.

It will be important for the Victorian Government to provide even more clarity to Victorians in the coming days and where restrictions do not have a health basis that they are removed quickly.

We congratulate Victorians - this was the announcement that they were expecting and one they have worked hard to achieve.

It is important for Victoria to safely open and stay safely open. 

The Prime Minister and Premiers Berejiklian, Marshall and Andrews will continue to take advice regarding hard border restrictions.

The Commonwealth Government will continue to support Victoria through this crisis.

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