What Are The Safest Cosmetic Packaging Options?
- Written by NewsServices.com

As of late, more and more people are becoming aware of the potential health effects that the use of certain packaging materials may bring along. This is not surprising, considering that certain packaging materials such as plastic contain chemicals and, in some cases, toxic ingredients. By choosing products that are stored in the wrong type of packaging, we are at risk of being exposed to these chemicals daily. And whereas some chemicals and toxins are easy to identify and avoid, others are hidden in our everyday products. One of these seemingly harmless objects we deal with every day is packaging material.
Packaging materials are everywhere. However, there are two industries in which their potentially harmful effects worry us the most; foods and cosmetics. After all, foods are consumed and cosmetics are, generally speaking, applied onto our skin. The truth is that some chemicals found in packaging materials can affect one’s brain development, disrupt the endocrine system, and even cause cancer. As such, we want to be entirely sure that these products have not been affected by chemicals or toxins hidden inside their packaging materials before consumption.
Of all the chemicals that are found in packaging materials, BPA is perhaps the best known and most discussed one. After all, BPA is the world’s most commonly produced chemical that can be found back in the vast majority of everyday items we deal with. When it comes to packaging materials, BPA is mostly found in clear and solid wrappings such as plastic jars and bottles. As such, BPA-positive wrappings are commonly used in both the food and cosmetics industries. The main problem of this type of packaging is that, when exposed to high temperatures or pressure, the BPA chemical can leak out of the wrapping into the products stored inside. As a result, the chemical enters the body once the product is consumed. This may lead to possible side effects including diabetes or even cancer.
As the awareness of BPA and its side effects grew, more and more people try to avoid items that may contain this chemical. This is also the case in today’s cosmetics industry. After all, cosmetics are applied straight onto the skin and often around the most sensitive parts of one’s body such as the eyes and lips. This makes it not hard to understand why people rather stay away from cosmetics stored in BPA-positive wrappings. The problem is, however, that most low-cost cosmetics are still stored in plastic tubes, jars, and bottles. And all these packaging materials are highly likely to contain BPA.
So, what is it we can do to avoid BPA in packaging materials? Well, the easiest and most obvious thing to do would be to search for alternatives. If plastic packagings may affect your health, try to look for wrappings that are BPA-free. After all, it’s no secret that certain packaging materials are better than others when it comes to health and the environment. When it comes to the safety and sustainability of packaging materials, the FDA ranks plastics nearly at the bottom of the list. This because it contains a high number of chemicals and is, in most cases, not or difficult to recycle.
Although plastic packagings are most commonly used, there luckily are plenty of alternatives to choose from. According to the FDA, the safest and most environmentally packaging options available are glass and aluminum. Luckily for us, these two types of packagings can often be found back in the cosmetics industry. Metal tins and aluminum bottles, for example, are often used to store salves, cremes, lotions, and sprays. The benefit of aluminum packaging is that it is corrosion resistant and does not rust. As such, it does not need any chemical coating such as the one found on traditional metal (tin-plated iron) packaging. As a result, aluminum packaging is completely toxin-free. It furthermore does not contain any chemicals that are harmful to your health such as BPA. As such, aluminum tins and bottles can be safely used to store any type of goods including foods and cosmetics.
Besides the fact that aluminum is toxic-free, it’s furthermore 100% recyclable. The truth is that aluminum is one of the only materials that can be recycled over and over again without losing its original quality. This makes aluminum packaging a smart and sustainable choice for environmentally friendly companies that wish to work towards a greener future. Not only is aluminum packaging safe for your health, but it’s also good for the environment! Added to that, aluminum packaging is extremely cheap to produce and fully customizable. As such, it offers a suitable storage solution for any type of cosmetic goods imaginable.
Besides aluminum packaging, there is glass. Glass packaging is also often used in the cosmetic industry where it can be found back in the form of cosmetic jars and perfume bottles. Besides, regular glass bottles are also often used to hold oils, lotions, and regular skin- and hair care products.
Just like aluminum, glass is a natural packaging material that is considered to be 100% food- and body-safe by the FDA. Glass also is toxic-free and does not contain any chemicals such as BPA. Added to that, glass is a completely recyclable material, which also makes this packaging a sustainable choice. When it comes to the safety rankings of packaging materials, glass tops the list in terms of human safety and environmentally friendliness.
The only downside about glass packaging, however, is the fact that it’s expensive to produce and more vulnerable to damage. Besides, it’s also heavier in weight, which makes its transport more expensive. The benefit of this material, however, is the fact that it looks stunning. Glass packaging adds a premium touch to every cosmetic product-line, making it a perfect wrapper for any type of high-end beauty goods. As such, it’s no surprise that glass jars and bottles are often used for expensive perfumes, lotions, and mascara.
Luckily for us, glass and aluminum packaging are both already commonly used in the cosmetics industry. As such, it should not be too difficult to find an alternative to potentially dangerous plastic wrappings. With the growing awareness among companies and consumers alike of the potential health risks of plastic packaging as well as its environmental impact, more and more plastic cosmetic packagings are expected to be replaced with glass and aluminum very soon. This will allow consumers to choose from a wider assortment of cosmetics stored in safe and environmentally-friend packaging materials. So, the next time you head out to the store to buy some cosmetics, remember: stay away from plastic jars and bottles. Instead, go for makeup that is stored in glass or aluminum bottles and jars.