The Bulletin
Business Growth

SME Business

Sales Promotion on a Unique Brand Name Defective Product

  • Written by NewsCo

I recently wrote an article about defective products due to manufacturer mistakes at the factory and how very often one can find these items on sale at an enormous discount price. Popular places to shop for defective product discounted items are outlet malls or outlet shopping centers. Defective products are a tough thing to judge in terms of quality, size, and appearance, so usually these items require in store shopping visits to find. I’ve found social media websites that advertise these kinds of products too. I’m willing to bet that they’re just regular people with no marketing incentive that just boosted their social media using SubscriberZ to get people’s attention. But I digress. 

However, these defective product discounts don't only occur in the clothing industry, they can happen with any sort of item. However, some defective products can be explained in detail through a written description and possibly an online photo. If you happen to come across the right company, or resource for finding these discount defective products for sale at promotional or cheaper prices, you are in luck, as you can shop from the comfort of your own home and still get a great deal.

On that note, and fortunately for, I could guess, many readers as well as myself personally, I recently did happen to be at the right place at the right time to receive information regarding a very interesting example of these deformities, or defective products, sold at discounts I now speak of. It was actually through an email that I discovered this great opportunity to obtain something unique and rare at a good price; an email, in fact that, clearly an advertisement, I never would have opened had I not already had an interest in the happenings of this particularly interesting and creative company in the first place.

So have I held you in suspense long enough? Are you squirming with anticipation to find out about an awesome defective product deformity at discount prices example that may not only satisfy your own indulgent desires but might very well work as that perfect one of a kind gift you have been waiting to find for your most interesting and eccentric friend or loved one?

Okay, I shall reveal this exciting mystery. The answer is Jelly Belly jelly beans, and the items are known officially as Jelly Flops. You're aware of Jelly Belly, I'm sure. You know, those miniature "gourmet" jelly beans with the really obscure flavors, tastes that you and everyone you know tend to either totally love or totally despise (see: Buttered Popcorn)? Well the infamous maker of these extraordinary style of Jelly Belly jelly bean candies also apparently have a tendency to occasionally create Jelly Belly jelly beans that are less than perfect, and just like the clothing manufacturers do, Jelly Belly jelly beans has similarly found a way to make the most of these "mistakes". Jelly Flops.

Jelly Flops, by definition are pretty much self-explanatory; the Jelly Belly jelly beans that have something about them that prevent them from being sold in a normal bag of candies, at regular price. The Jelly Flops are sold at massively discount prices, through the Jelly Belly outlet store, most often in assorted bags of varying shapes, colors and flavors, some of which may or may not taste as their appearance might expect them to. According to Jelly Belly, one mistake that can potentially occur in the jelly belly Manufacturing plant is the mix of one flavor's color with another flavor's ingredients, i.e. taste.

This conceivable mishap, while perhaps not ideal for regular in store shelf display, is just another factor that adds to the surprise and suspense that make these infamous Jelly Belly jelly beans so different and special. You never know what you are going to get.

If Jelly Flops are something that you think you may like to experience for yourself or give away as a very thoughtful, and surely never-done-before unique present for someone, visit the Jelly Belly Outlet Store Online Website . I do urge you to get moving on this venture, however, for the reasons that for one, the Jelly Flops according to the company are selling in hoards and additionally, so you can take advantage of the current promotional sale.

Let me note that the current promotional Jelly Belly jelly bean sale was originally advertised as being offered for a limited time only, but no expiration date could be found on the website the last time I checked. Therefore, I will give you details of the promotion as it was stated, with the warning to proceed to take advantage of it at your own risk. If for some reason the promotion is over, though, by the time you get around to visiting the Jelly Belly jelly bean outlet store, there very likely may be another one; if not, the Jelly Flops idea is so cool, it would be worth paying the original, already discounted price for.

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