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How Carla Zampatti pioneered wearable yet cosmopolitan clothes for women, and became a fashion icon

  • Written by Peter McNeil, Distinguished Professor of Design History, UTS, University of Technology Sydney
How Carla Zampatti pioneered wearable yet cosmopolitan clothes for women, and became a fashion iconAAP/Joel Carrett

With the sudden death of Carla Zampatti, Australia has lost perhaps its most successful and loved fashion designer. Zampatti was that rare beast who had inter-generational relevance. She celebrated her 55th year in business before COVID lockdown, in early 2020. She had not retired when she died at 78.

The outpourings of condolence...

Read more: How Carla Zampatti pioneered wearable yet cosmopolitan clothes for women, and became a fashion icon

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