The Bulletin


Coalition still well ahead in NSW poll, Newspoll premiers' ratings, and WA upper house electoral reforms

  • Written by Adrian Beaumont, Honorary Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Coalition still well ahead in NSW poll, Newspoll premiers' ratings, and WA upper house electoral reformsAAP/Bianca de Marchi

A New South Wales state Resolve poll for The Sydney Morning Herald gave the Coalition 41% of the primary vote (down two since July), Labor 30% (up two), the Greens 11% (down one), the Shooters 2% (up one) and independents 10% (steady).

Resolve does not provide two party estimates, but analyst Kevin Bonham estimated 53-47 to the...

Read more: Coalition still well ahead in NSW poll, Newspoll premiers' ratings, and WA upper house electoral...

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