Toxic work cultures start with incivility and mediocre leadership. What can you do about it?
- Written by Andrei Lux, Lecturer of Leadership and Director of Academic Studies, Edith Cowan University

You’re in a meeting, with something important to say. Just as you begin, a colleague sighs and shares an eye-roll with their buddy. And not for the first time.
Workplaces aren’t always harmonious. Whether it’s a cafe, factory or parliament, people do and say hurtful things. They may talk down to you, “call you out” in front of others, make jokes at your expense, gossip about you behind your back, or give you the silent treatment.
This type of incivility[1] doesn’t quite rise to the level where you can complain to human resources and expect a satisfying resolution. Organisations typically have policies against racism, sexism, harassment and other overt forms of abuse. But incivility – being less severe and more difficult to prove – tends to fly under the radar.
Most of us will experience incivility[2] at some point at work. More than 50%[3] experience it weekly. According to a 2022 meta-analysis[4] of 105 incivility studies, you’re more likely to cop it if you’re new, female, in a subordinate position, or from an ethnic minority.
Unkind and thoughtless words matter. As linguist Louise Banks says in the 2016 film Arrival[5]: “Language is the first weapon drawn in a conflict.”
What people say and how they say it affects us deeply. One cruel remark can ruin your whole day. Left unchecked, incivility makes for a toxic workplace.
Read more: Is workplace rudeness on the rise?[6]
Why are people rude to each other?
It’s tempting to simply blame bad character. Certainly such behaviour is much more likely[7] from people with dysfunctional personality traits, especially the “dark triad” of narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism.
Our research[22] shows that authentic leadership promotes workplace cultures with less incivility and better well-being. Such authentic leaders[23] are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, act on their values even under pressure, and work to understand how their leadership affects others.
What can you do?
Incivility isn’t okay. It should never be excused as “just part of the job”.
If this is happening to you, or others in your workplace, avoiding it won’t help you or your colleagues. Putting up with incivility is emotionally taxing, entrenches feelings of resentment and will likely lead to bigger conflicts down the track.
Responding with more incivility of your own isn’t a good idea. Retaliation rarely deters a person who engages in such behaviour and instead effectively endorses it.
One approach recommended by psychologists when dealing with high-conflict personalities is known as the BIFF technique[24]: be brief, informative, friendly and firm.
When some says something mean, you might respond, as calmly as possible, along the lines of: “Your comments are hurtful and damage our working relationship. Please, let’s keep things professional.”
If the behaviour persists, approach your supervisor. Again, stay calm. Explain what’s happening and how it’s affecting you. You don’t have to go at it alone either, consider inviting colleagues who can support you, and your claims.
Will this fix the problem? Possibly not. Your manager might simply shrug their shoulders, or arrange a “mediation” that resolves nothing. But saying and doing nothing will almost certainly leave you unsatisfied[25].
If your manager is the perpetrator, contact your HR department first (if your organisation has one) or else your union. The union can offer advice on other avenues to seek redress.
Statutory agencies such as Australia’s Fair Work Ombudsman[26], Employment New Zealand[27] and the UK’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service[28] have the power to investigate workplace complaints, and to intervene in disputes through formal conciliation or arbitration. But before embarking on such a process, it’s best to get expert advice. You might get justice, but also still need to find another job.
Incivility is unlikely to stop on its own, however. Your voice matters and can help break the cycle.
- ^ incivility (
- ^ experience incivility (
- ^ More than 50% (
- ^ 2022 meta-analysis (
- ^ Arrival (
- ^ Is workplace rudeness on the rise? (
- ^ much more likely (
- ^ Wikimedia Commons (
- ^ CC BY (
- ^ incivility triggers (
- ^ vicious spiral (
- ^ What Jeremy Clarkson taught us about incivility in the workplace (
- ^ most harmful (
- ^ being held to account (
- ^ Staying in grace: Why some people are immune from scandal – until they're not (
- ^ see and hear no evil (
- ^ favoured as a high performer or a friend (
- ^ surveyed 230 nurses (
- ^ physical violence (
- ^ frequent (
- ^ medical mistakes (
- ^ Our research (
- ^ authentic leaders (
- ^ BIFF technique (
- ^ leave you unsatisfied (
- ^ Fair Work Ombudsman (
- ^ Employment New Zealand (
- ^ Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (
Authors: Andrei Lux, Lecturer of Leadership and Director of Academic Studies, Edith Cowan University