The Bulletin
Business Growth

Business Reports

The expert guide to refreshing your business for spring

  • Written by Melissa Haywood, Head of Vistaprint in Australia
Melissa Haywood
Melissa Haywood

You may have heard of a spring clean for your home, but the beginning of a new season is also the perfect time to deep clean, reorganise, and declutter your small business.

When was the last time you took the opportunity to revamp your website or revisit the goals you resolved to at the beginning of the year? Spring is the perfect time to dust off your marketing strategy and update your branding to ensure your company remains fresh.

Here are the five steps you can take to spring clean your small business for spring:

Clean up your goals

It is common to get caught up in the day-to-day responsibilities of keeping your small business afloat and neglect the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.

Clean up your strategy on how you plan to achieve these goals by adjusting your everyday routine to include tasks that will steer you towards achieving your new year resolutions.

Scrub up your look

Your small business’ logo and aesthetic play an important role in the overall brand experience of your customers. Step back from your creative material and ask yourself whether your brand is modern and relevant, and if it aligns with the personality you would like to project in the market.

A whole style overhaul isn’t required to refresh your marketing approach- simply tweaking and renewing your materials through a new set of business cards or branded clothing can make a statement that will grab the attention of new and old customers.

Polish your social platforms

It is likely that your online and social media accounts were set up in the early days of your business.

Consider whether your website requires updating with progress on your business journey or new images to align with your evolving branding.

Ensure your social presence matches your business goals so that your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are a valuable and reliable source for customers looking to connect with your brand.

Sort your marketing material

From banners you use at tradeshows to sales brochures, it is important that your marketing materials are consistent with your brand’s key messages, tone of voice, and logos.

Draw on metrics such as conversion rates and return on advertising spend to evaluate the effectiveness of these assets and determine whether they need to be realigned with your goals.

Purge your preconceptions

The most successful brands are those that understand how their market sees them and their expectations of the service/product. To ensure you are tending to your brand’s health, undertake a scan of search engine results, online reviews and articles, and social media mentions.

This simple audit will reveal how much buzz you brand is responsible for creating, what it is that your customers enjoy about the business, and what needs improving in the coming seasons.

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