Why you need to stay up to date with Google’s ever changing algorithms when you are wanting to pursue a career in SEO
- Written by News Company

There are lots of people out there who like to believe that jobs are harder and harder to come by and that the word is changing in a negative way. While society certainly seems to move quickly, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole world is doomed. In fact, there are more and more jobs created every day because of the rise of the internet. SEO Shark wouldn’t exist without its presence. Which means that the chances are actually higher that people can obtain employment if they simply know where to look.
If people are smart about it all, they are able to pick a career that is very likely to be needed for many years to come. For instance, personal websites don’t seem to be going anywhere and so there are many clever people out there who are currently considering a career in online marketing. As this is the case, here is why you need to stay up to date with Google’s ever changing algorithms when you are wanting to pursue a career in SEO.
You will need to stay up to date with Google’s ever changing algorithms when you want to pursue a career in SEO so that you can ensure that you are doing the right thing by your clients
One of the many reasons why there are pessimists out there when it comes to online marketing is because many people simply do not trust big companies. There have been many questionable things that have occurred with large businesses such as Google ranging from the outsourcing of their content moderators, to the privacy of millions of users. Most of all, people don’t like or trust these providers because nobody actually understands how their algorithms work.
Because of this, some feel that they have no control over the situation and would rather throw their hands up in the air and let whatever will be, be. The truth is, however, that these algorithms are kept top secret so that people don’t take advantage of them and so they can actually put good quality websites at the top of search engine results. As this is the case, people need to stay up to date as best they can when pursuing a career in SEO otherwise they aren’t able to take care of their clients correctly.
There are some known truths about Amazon's SEO algorithm. According to SellerMetrics, developer of Amazon automation software, converting a keyword on Amazon PPC directly affects the organic algorithm. This known fact, however, may be skewed to a certain degree given enough time.
You will need to stay up to date with Google’s ever changing algorithms when you want to pursue a career in SEO so that you don’t get left dead in the water
Another reason why people need to stay up to date with Google’s ever changing algorithms is because they probably won’t be able to have a successful career in this field if they don’t. As it could be imagined, the internet has changed a lot of the years which means that if people were still implementing the same search engine techniques that they were ten years ago, then they would likely be left dead in the water. This isn’t to say that old methods have stopped working completely but more that they need to be modified and changed as time goes on.
Thankfully, all people have to do is ensure that they are regularly putting aside time that is dedicated to training and research so that they are able to keep up with the Joneses. If people aren’t willing to do this, then perhaps this isn’t the type of career that they should pursue and they could instead opt for something nice, safe, and secure like dog sitting.