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Why Flexibility Training Is So Important for a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Written by News Company

Many people choose aerobic exercise to improve their cardiovascular health and to burn fat. Others choose weight training to build strength. Although both of these fitness elements are important, there is a third element which often goes neglected.

Why Are Flexibility Exercises Important?

Flexibility is an essential part of overall fitness and wellbeing. Stretching your body offers many benefits. Maintaining flexibility allows you to move freely and easily while maintaining strength and stability. Regular flexibility training allows for greater range of motion and improved balance.

Flexibility exercise helps to:

  1. Improve your posture

  2. Prevent injuries

  3. Lengthen muscles

  4. Allow for more free movement

  5. Enhance endurance

  6. Reduce Pain

Less Pain

By lengthening and reducing tension in your muscles, your muscles become less sensitive. Increasing your flexibility training makes your muscles less tense and as a result, you’ll experience less aches and pains. You are also less likely to suffer from muscle cramps.

Reduce the Risk of Injuries

By increasing your flexibility and strength your body will withstand more physical stress. Not only this, but you will also correct muscle imbalances which reduces the risk of injuries during physical activity.such as yoga and Pilates, allow you to correct imbalances and improve your body’s

Better Posture and Balance

Another benefit of increased flexibility is that your posture will improve. Flexibility exercises, alignment. This can improve your ability to sit and stand in certain positions, and improve overall balance.

More Strength

Becoming more flexible will also increase your strength. Particularly when performing yoga or Pilates, these techniques are great for both flexibility and strength. Your muscles will become stronger and this improves spinal support, movement and physical fitness.

Mental Health

Regular flexibility exercises allow the body to relax, particularly during yoga. This can increase your relaxed state of mind and make it easier to unwind at the end of the day.

Increase Endurance

Increasing your body’s flexibility allows a greater range of motion and the ability to perform better physically. This is partly due to your muscles working more effectively.

Can Flexibility Be Improved After 40?

Flexibility does naturally decrease with age. However, studies show that regular stretching and mobility exercises improve flexibility and minimise the loss of range of motion at any age. It’s never too late to begin, and the sooner you start, the sooner you will see the benefits.

Where to Start?

Physiotherapy is a great place to start to improve your flexibility. Even for those who suffer from ongoing illness, injury and other conditions; physiotherapy can safely help you to improve joint range of motion and muscle flexibility through stretching and gentle exercise.

There are three types of stretches that are used to keep your muscles and joints working effectively:

  1. Dynamic stretching – slow and controlled movements.

  2. Static stretching – holding the muscle in a lengthened position for 20-30 seconds.

  3. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) – this promotes elongation of muscle tissue.

Tips before beginning

  • Always warm up before stretching

  • Only stretch until you feel mild tension

  • Do not continue if you feel pain

  • Build up slowly

Final Thoughts

Working with an experienced physical therapist in Perth is the best way to get proper direction and boost strength. Your physio will assist you in improving overall health and wellness through series of exercise and techniques. To book an appointment, contact Integrity Physio today.

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