The Bulletin
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Crisis Media Consultants offering ‘pay when you can’ online support

  • Written by Jasmin Hyde

A team of ex-journalists and communications specialists are offering Melbourne organisations a lifeline of support with ‘pay what you can’ crisis media support.


Taking a lead from across the Tasman, Australian communications agency, Good Talent Media, are basing their goodwill payment model on the Maori tradition of koha, which revolves around the concept of reciprocity, or gift-giving, to support one’s fellow community.


St Basil’s, Ruby Princess, Newmarch House, Cedar Meats – they’re now household names for the worst reasons and with many industries like aged care and hospitality under intense media scrutiny, crisis communications and reputation management has never been more important.


Staffed by former journalists, Good Talent Media helps Australian and international clients manage their reputation, helping them conduct audits and guiding them with effective crisis media responses through social, digital, and traditional media platforms.

Now, the team has pivoted to assisting sectors stung worst by the current COVID media frenzy by offering a complimentary crisis media hotline, open to all.


‘We understand this is a confusing, uncertain and overwhelming time for many organisations,’ said Director of Good Talent Media, Tony Nicholls. 


‘COVID-19 has thrown companies into a whirlwind and we are taking this opportunity to give something back to the community, showing organisations how effective crisis communications can be in reversing negative publicity into trust and confidence.


‘During these unprecedented times, an effective communications strategy can be quite literally “make or break” for companies.


‘Having a crisis communications plan is like having insurance for your brand; you wouldn’t drive a car without insurance, so why risk the reputation of your company?’ 

Good Talent Media has longstanding relationships with peak bodies and organisations in the non-profit, healthcare, energy, and corporate world.


One of Good Talent Media’s clients, not-for-profit organisation Vision Australia, is Australia’s largest provider of services for people who are blind or have low vision. 


The organisation engaged Good Talent Media to assist with crisis and issues management, situation response and proactive media outreach.


'The team of qualified media experts have been invaluable in assisting Vision Australia during these unprecedented times. 


‘The media coverage earned by Good Talent Media has helped the community learn about our achievements, missions and goals while ensuring all external communications align with our core values and beliefs,’ said Vision Australia CEO Ron Hooton.


'We recommend the agency for any company hoping to build an effective media strategy.'

Organisations in need of crisis communications support can contact Good Talent Media’s crisis hotline on 1300 258 995 and receive a complimentary consultation with an experienced communications professional.

‘Our crisis media hotline is open to all companies and organisations across every sector, absolutely free of charge and with no strings attached,’ said Nicholls.

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